The Edmondson Blog

Letters To Your Editor

I was disappointed to fall behind with checking your blog.
Bet R. Latethannerver

You look neat, talk about a treat! You look dapper from your napper to your feet.
N.E. Oldhyon
N.E. Oldhyon
N.E.N.E. Oldhyon

I utterly deplore the axing of the Light Brigade in the latest defence spending review.
Arthur Leigh Gonward

Given last month’s inclement weather, are the global warmers sure they are not barking up the wrong tree?
I. Sage

Votre blog est magnifique. J’adore reading it quand je suis sur la plage.
Philippe Faloppe

All this sibling rivalry stuff with the Milibands is surely rather overdone. After all, we have always enjoyed a wonderful relationship as brother and sister, despite our radically different views on how society should be organised.
Anna Key
Oleg R. Key

Does that great American thesbian Bruce Willis read your blog?
Di Hard

Bruce Willis an American thespian? Having recently watched the sequel, I could have sworn he was from the valleys.
Dai Harder

I was gratified to read the response to my letter regarding the great thespian Bruce Willis. I have checked with my friend and can confirm he is of American nationality.
Di Hard with
A. Vengance

Dai Harder mentions the American thespian Bruce Willis. The immediate past Governor of California is of course a far superior thespian.
Albie Bach

With the terror threat recently raised, is it just me that’s worried about a possible attempt on the Editor’s life?
Dave (The Jackal)

We wish to complain about there being very few Shakespearean articles on your blog.
Mike Ing
Dom Farrer-Hawse

I fully agree that there are too few Shakespearean articles on your blog.
Elsie Knorr

I agree with your previous correspondents that your blog needs more Shakespearean references
Toby Arnott OBE

Though I write as a chap, I can confirm on behalf of the married womenfolk of our little Berkshire town that they believe your blog should have more Shakespearean references.
Murray Wives (of Windsor)

Cry God! For Harry! And St George!
Wayne Smoruntu
D. Breech (dear friends)

We agree about the lack of Shakespearean contributions. This is a grave lack, and we will have to dig deep.
Alice Poryorik
I. Newimwell

Shakespeare? What about Dickens?
(Mr.) Mick Orber

I would like to see more coverage in your blog of Irish refuse collectors during the French Revolution.
Jack O’Bins

I agree with Jack O'Bins reference to the French Revolution.
Marian Twinette

With reference to the Irish bin men contribution to the French Revolution, even I could claim to be closer to the cutting edge of events than Jack O’Bins.
Gill O'Teen

We read your blog in Ireland.
Topol de Marnun
Toby Shaw
Toby Shaw

Your blog has reached Japan.
Harry Kirry

As a Chinese man with a Yorkshire parent, I can confirm that your blog is read in Hong Kong.
Foo Kinnell

We read your blog in Oz.
Walt Zing
Matt Ilder

I can confirm your blog is read in Oz.
Dan Under

Your blog has now reached the extremes of the galaxy.
O.B. Wonk
Hen Obee

We can confirm that your blog has reached the extremes of the galaxy
Sue Pernova
O. Ryan Spelt

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